Things I love, Day 7

I’m actually posting this on day 8 because yesterday got interrupted – by some of the things I love!

  1. New Puppy – sweet little mini-golden Nala
  2. Puppy breath
  3. The way puppies play like they are possessed and then drop in their tracks to sleep
  4. Surpises
  5. Like new puppies and surprise visitors
  6. Bonus sons (+ one bonus daughter-in-law)
  7. BLTs
  8. BLATs (BLTs with avocado)
  9. Prayers before church youth groups leave on adventures – including our youngest
  10. New athletic shoes that make me run fast and jump high

Things I love, Day 5

  1. The cry of a loon
  2. When Tim Niznik imitates the cry of a loon
  3. Skinny dipping in the lake right before bed on a hot night
  4. Oscillating fans
  5. Jigsaw puzzles
  6. The hubbub of the cabin when everyone is there
  7. The quiet of the cabin after everyone has left and it is all cleaned up!
  8. Riding in Sam’s truck. With Sam, preferably.
  9. The smell of sun-dried towels
  10. Anna-Liv’s playlists

Things I love, Day 2

  1. Baby toes
  2. Friends that visit from far away and you pick up right where you left off
  3. Boat rides at dusk
  4. Butterscotch brownies
  5. Red solo cups
  6. Little Daisy, the very old dog – 12? 14? 22? She gets older every time we ask
  7. Eating al fresco
  8. Black grand pianos
  9. Wearing my bathing suit most of the day
  10. Polar fleece over shorts and t-shirts

Things I Love…

As a writing exercise for July I have decided to, every day, list 10 things I love. It goes without saying that I love my family, etc., so I won’t be listing the obvious ones. I’m trying to think of the little things that make life a delight. At the end of the month that should show me 310 things that I am grateful for in my life. So here we go in absolutely no order whatsoever and without explanation:

  1. Cloth napkins
  2. Coffee on the deck in the morning
  3. Summer reading trashy action packed “man” novels – think Clive Cussler and Vince Flynn
  4. The smell of babies’ heads
  5. Peonies
  6. A cool bath at the end of a hot day
  7. Ceremonies
  8. Beer on tap – especially an IPA
  9. Waffles with strawberries and whipped cream
  10. Throwing parties